Baby Wearers Western Australia Incorporated
Lending Library Returns

It is with great sadness that we inform our members of the immediate cessation of formal, in person Baby Wearers Western Australia Incorporated baby wearing meets throughout Western Australia, effective Tuesday 17th March 2020. The duration of our physical closure is currently unknown, however we will endeavour to keep you informed and respond to any and all questions as quickly as possible.

Please note that if you are currently in possession of a BWWA Inc. baby carrier it needs to be returned on or before the original date of your lending library's next meet. If no meet date was confirmed with you upon borrowing, we ask that you ensure your carrier is returned to us by close of business on Friday March 27th 2020.

To facilitate this unprecedented change to our returns practices, we ask that you consider your preferred return method as below and scroll down and fill in the form to register your preference.

1. Return via courier: 

We will endeavour to arrange for a courier or BWWA volunteer to collect your borrowed carrier on your preferred day. Once your submission is received and processed, you will receive an email with packaging instructions and a shipping label to print.

2. Local drop off:

Carrier amnesty drop off points are available in many areas.

These include Cockburn Central, Hammond Park, Caversham and Warwick (more suburbs may be added so please do not hesitate to contact us and ask). To arrange a day/time to drop off your loaned carrier at one of these locations please reply to this email with your availability and a member of the BWWA Inc. committee will contact you as soon as possible.

If you are not local to these areas and would like to discuss an alternative please do not hesitate to hit reply and let us know.

Please note you are under no obligation to wash carriers prior to return, however if anyone in your family has been overseas, had contact with a confirmed Covid-19 carrier or is displaying any symptoms of communicable disease please ensure the borrowed carrier is packaged inside a sealed bag prior to returning. For information regarding our laundry policy see our recent blog post.

We are currently working on alternative means to support our valued members and the broader WA baby wearing community so please keep your eye out for upcoming news and further developments over time. To give feedback and ideas on what you would like to see from BWWA Inc. over the coming months please scroll down to the bottom of this email and complete the survey. 

On behalf of the Baby Wearers Western Australia Incorporated managing committee and community leadership group, we would like to express our sincerest best wishes for your family amidst the current worldwide health pandemic. 

Kind regards,

Managing Committee and Community Leadership Group

Baby Wearers Western Australia Incorporated

Carrier Return Form