Babywearing Meets 2025 and Membership Costs

Hello Babywearing Community,

We are pleased to announce that BWWA Inc. will continue in 2025.

Our babywearing meets will be held in our Perth NOR - Woodvale and Perth SOR - Riverton locations thanks to the hard work of our volunteer peer educators and community team leaders. We hope that our meets will expand to regional areas in the future. Please get in touch with BWWA Inc. Committee if you’re interested in becoming a peer educator and holding a meet in your area.

Our Perth meets will resume in February 2025 - please check the website calendar and follow the BWWA Inc Facebook page for updates. If you need babywearing assistance before the meet please utilise the Facebook BWWA Chatter Group - where our volunteer peer educations and other babywearers in the community will be able to assist you.

Due to the increase in BWWA Inc. insurance costs the BWWA Inc. Committee has decided to increase the membership cost for the first time since July 2022. The annual (12 month) membership will now be $40, which is a $5 increase. The BWWA Inc. Committee is also introducing a trial (1 month) membership option for $20. We thank our current and future members for their understanding of this increase.

If you are attending a meet for a fit check we do ask you consider donating to BWWA Inc. Your donation will help to cover our insurance costs and allow caregivers like you to receive assistance into the future.

Many thanks,

BWWA Inc Committee 2025

Call for Nominations - BWWA Inc Committee 2025

In preparation for AGM 2024, BWWA Inc. is calling for nominations from current members to make a contribution to the growth and success of the organisation by joining the Managing Committee for a minimum of twelve (12) months. The Committee is seeking a minimum of five (5) office holders for 2025.

The following offices are open for nomination:
Vice Chairperson
Community Leadership Coordinator
Asset Manager and Library Coordinator
Website and Social Media Coordinator
Fundraising and Grant Application Coordinator

Your nomination can be completed with the EOI Form by 17:00 on Saturday 28 September 2024.

If you have any questions or require further information, please email

The BWWA Inc AGM 2024 will be held on Saturday 26 October, 10:00 in person and via Zoom

BWWA Inc. Committee 2024

2024 Annual General Meeting

Notice of the Annual General Meeting of Baby Wearers Western Australia Incorporated

All current members of Baby Wearers Western Australia Inc. are invited to attend and participate in all voting and discussion at the annual general meeting for 2024.

This year the AGM will be conducted in person and via video-conferencing.

Date: Saturday 26 October 2024
Time: 10:00
Place: Vic Park Community Space, 10/660 Albany Hwy Victoria Park WA 6100 (entry is from Miller Street)

At the meeting, members will be asked to vote to:

  • accept the minutes of the last annual meeting

  • accept the annual report

  • accept the financial statements

  • and elect office holders for committee roles.

Members will also have the opportunity to:

  • find out about the operations and finances of BWWA Inc.

  • ask questions about the operations and finances of BWWA Inc.

  • speak about any items on the agenda

  • vote on any resolutions proposed

Please click the appoint proxy button below if you will not be attending the AGM. In this form you may detail any instruction on how their proxy should vote on your behalf. A proxy must be a current member who will be in attendance at the AGM. Proxy appointments must be received by 25 October 2024.

The AGM is also an opportunity to join the managing committee of BWWA Inc. As a small not-for-profit association, BWWA Inc. relies on volunteers to continue to provide its services in the education, facilitation and promotion of baby wearing. Nominations for office holders of committee roles are vital to the continuation of BWWA Inc. There is a range of roles to suit everyone and we welcome all members to nominate for a role. More information about the roles can be found at the website or members may email BWWA Inc. to speak with a current committee member.

Babywearing Meets 2024

Hello Babywearing Community,

We are pleased to announce that BWWA Inc. will continue in 2024.

Our babywearing meets will be held in our Perth NOR - Woodvale and Perth SOR - Riverton locations thanks to the hardwork of our volunteer peer educators and community team leaders.

We hope that our meets will expand to regional areas in the future. Please get in touch with BWWA Inc. Committee if you’re interested in becoming a peer educator and holding a meet in your area

Our Perth meets will resume in February 2024 - please check the website calendar and follow the BWWA Inc Facebook page for updates. If you need babywearing assistance before the meet please utilise the Facebook BWWA Chatter Group - where our volunteer peer educations and other babywearers in the community will be able to assist you.

Many thanks,

BWWA Inc Committee 2024

2023 Annual General Meeting

Notice of the Annual General Meeting of Baby Wearers Western Australia Incorporated

All current members of Baby Wearers Western Australia Inc. are invited to attend and participate in all voting and discussion at the annual general meeting for 2023.

This year the AGM will be conducted in person and via video-conferencing.

Date: Saturday 11 November 2023
Time: 11:00
Place: Vic Park Community Space, 10/660 Albany Hwy Victoria Park WA 6100

At the meeting, members will be asked to vote to:

  • accept the minutes of the last annual meeting

  • accept the annual report

  • accept the financial statements

  • and elect office holders for committee roles.

Members will also have the opportunity to:

  • find out about the operations and finances of BWWA Inc.

  • ask questions about the operations and finances of BWWA Inc.

  • speak about any items on the agenda

  • and vote on any resolutions proposed.

There are no special resolutions to be proposed at the annual general meeting.

Members who will not be attending the annual general meeting are requested to appoint a proxy (someone else) to vote on their behalf. Proxy voting enables members to influence BWWA Inc.'s operations and structure, with particular regard to the continuation of BWWA Inc. and its services.

There is a form to complete for appointment of a proxy. In this form members may detail any instruction on how their proxy should vote on their behalf. A proxy must be a current member who will be in attendance at the AGM.

Trial of Reservation System

To our babywearing community,

It has become apparent that there needs to be a change to how babywearing meets are facilitated.

Babywearing meets in the past have been friendly and informal gatherings of caregivers, their children and their families and/or friends. People came together to discuss all things babywearing and to try on and get information about different carriers. Some people came to get their own carriers fitted and/or to borrow a carrier from the library for use at home between meets. BWWA Inc. has tried to make all meets as inviting as possible for everyone.

But recent months have left our volunteer Peer Educators overwhelmed and disheartened by some of the attitudes displayed by persons attending meets. We have a small group of volunteers running very busy events and that group is only getting smaller.

To that end, we are trialling a reservation system to ensure our volunteers can leave at the scheduled close time of 11:30. Sessions of 15 minutes will be opened 24 hours prior to a scheduled meet, based on the number of volunteers available. 

There will be at least two calendars open in which you may reserve a slot. Reserving a slot will be on a “first come, first serve” basis. The opening of the calendars will be staggered to allow fair opportunity for everyone to reserve a slot. We cannot guarantee availability of slots nor can we guarantee punctuality on the day. If there is no slot available on any calendar, you may still attend the meet as a walk-in. Walk-ins cannot be guaranteed timely assistance as priority will be given to persons who have reserved a slot.

It is recommended that you watch the recorded demonstration videos that will be linked on the Event page, and can be found in the Chatter Group Files.

We request that the QR code/attendance register is still completed on arrival by everyone, so that a numbered queue can be created to track walk-ins. Our volunteers will attend to the numbered queue as available. Walk-ins arriving after 11:00 are unlikely to be assisted as our volunteers must leave at the scheduled close time of 11:30.

BWWA Inc. volunteers and representatives have full discretion and reserve the right to refuse service. Meets are free to attend but membership is required to loan a carrier. Availability of carriers is not guaranteed.

We thank you for your support and consideration.

BWWA Inc. Committee 2022-23

Updated Infection Control Statement - February 2023

Infection Control Statement 2023

Baby Wearers Western Australia Incorporated (BWWA Inc.) is committed to maintaining the health and safety of our valued community and all people who engage with BWWA Inc. events and services.

BWWA Inc. is committed to following the advice and guidelines provided by the Western Australian and Australian Governments, and the World Health Organisation, based on best practice for good community health and in relation to the COVID-19 epidemic.

The following information relates to BWWA Inc. meet events and the loan of carriers as of 1 February 2023:

1. BWWA Inc., its volunteers and members will continue to adhere to the current health advice and recommendations of the Western Australian State Government and Local Governments.

2. Please follow basic hand hygiene and physical distancing practices during BWWA Inc. meet events.

3. Please do not attend BWWA Inc. meet events if you or your child are unwell and/or infectious. If you have a loan carrier that is due for return and you are unable to attend the scheduled meet, please contact BWWA Inc. Committee to arrange an alternative return as per the BWWA Inc. Library Terms and Conditions.

4. Loan carriers that are returned to meets are not quarantined or washed and will be loaned out again at the same meet, unless they are damaged or require cleaning. Carriers are washed during the Christmas/New Year stocktake period and on an as needed basis as deemed by the Committee.

5. Changes to scheduled meets may come at short notice and we apologise for the inconvenience. We ask that you follow all relevant Facebook events and the website for updates. Anyone with a loaned carrier due for return at a meet that is cancelled will be contacted to arrange alternative return.

6. Any person who attends a BWWA Inc. meet event and wishes to try on multiple carriers must use a demonstration doll rather than their child while trying on the carriers. Once a carrier has been selected for loan, the person will be assisted with fitting their child in the carrier. The use of suck pads whilst using a loaned carrier is appreciated.

7. Please note that we are all volunteers and if you have any questions please contact us on or via our Facebook Group.

Thank you for working together for everyone’s health and safety.

Baby Wearers WA Inc Committee 2023

We're making changes to our library terms and conditions

Dear BWWA Inc. members

We're writing to let you know that we're updating the BWWA Inc. Library terms and conditions for borrowing baby/toddler carriers and accessories.

BWWA Inc. Library Terms and Conditions have been updated to clarify procedure for the recovery of overdue/unreturned library items, how overdue fees are calculated and when a member may be liable to replacement costs. Reference is also made to the BWWA Inc. Constitution and Code of Ethics to highlight the responsibilities of the members, volunteers and management of the Association.

These changes will come into effect from 1 February 2023 and will apply to new and existing library memberships of Baby Wearers Western Australia Incorporated.

You can view the amended policy here: Final draft of BWWA Inc. Library Terms and Conditions policy

If you do not agree with these changes, please let the Secretary know in writing that you will be resigning from your membership as per rule 10 of the Constitution. Email us at

We thank you for your support.

Kind regards
BWWA Inc. Committee 2022-23

Meets COVID-19 Update - May 2022

COVID 19 Update – May 2022

The managing committee for Baby Wearers Western Australia Incorporated (BWWA) are committed to maintaining the safety of our valued community and adhering to all advice and guidelines provided by the Western Australian and Australian Governments.

In light of the recent changes to requirements and restrictions, BWWA would like to provide the following information in relation to meets and the loans of carriers as of May 2022:

1.            BWWA, its volunteers and members will continue to adhere to the current health advice and regulations of the Western Australian State Government and the Local Governments.

2.            Please do not to attend baby wearing meets if you or your child are unwell. If you have a loan carrier that is due for return and you are unable to attend the scheduled meet, please contact BWWA to arrange an alternative as per the Carrier Loan Terms and Conditions.

3.            Loan carriers that are returned to meets are not quarantined and will be loaned out again at the meet, unless they are damaged or require cleaning. Research has shown that the risk of infection from COVID from contaminated cotton is small.

4.            Changes to scheduled meets may come about at short notice and we apologise for the inconvenience. We ask that you follow all relevant Facebook events and the website for any updates. Any loans of carriers will be extended or alternative return can be arranged.

5.            BWWA meets will require any participant who tries on multiple carriers to only use a demonstration doll rather than their child for trying on carriers. Once a loan carrier is selected, participant’s can be assisted with fitting and wearing with their child in the carrier. The use of suck pads whilst using a borrowed carrier is appreciated.

6.            Please note that we are all volunteers and if you have any questions please contact us on or via our Facebook Group.


Thank you and stay safe,

Baby Wearing WA Inc Committee 2022

2022 Meets COVID-19 Update

The managing committee for Baby Wearers Western Australia Incorporated (BWWA) would like to take this opportunity to address our valued community regarding the current Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.

BWWA is committed to actively monitoring the evolution of COVID-19 and adhering to all advice and guidelines provided by the Western Australian Government and Federal Government.

BWWA would like to provide the following information that relates to its meets and the loans of carriers:

1.            BWWA, its volunteers, and members will adhere to the current health advice and regulations of the Western Australian Government and the relevant Local Governments.

2.            Babywearing Meets are a gathering place for families with children. The youngest children are often at the greatest risk of serious consequences from contagious diseases. To protect yourself and others in our organisation we ask you not to attend baby wearing meets if you or your child are unwell, have been to an exposure site listed on that requires you to get tested immediately and isolate, have travelled interstate or overseas in the past 14 days. If you have been to one of these exposure sites please contact BWWA to arrange pick up of your loan carrier or an extended loan.

3.            If you are diagnosed with COVID and you have been wearing a loan carrier please contact BWWA for the carrier loan to be extended. Once the carrier is returned to BWWA it will be quarantined, washed and sanitised. Research has shown that the risk of infection from COVID from contaminated cotton is small. However, BWWA will apply a high risk rating to dealing with said carriers.

4.            Changes to scheduled meets are inevitable. These changes may come about at short notice and we apologise for the inconvenience. We ask that you follow all relevant Facebook events and the website for any updates. In the event a meet is cancelled any loans of carriers will be extended.

5.            BWWA meets will require any participant who tries on a carrier to only use a doll rather than their child for trying on carriers. The use of suck pads whilst using a borrowed carrier is appreciated.

6.            Please note that we are all volunteers and if you have any questions please contact us on or via our Facebook Group.


Thank you and stay safe,

BWWA Committee 2022