Meets COVID-19 Update - May 2022

COVID 19 Update – May 2022

The managing committee for Baby Wearers Western Australia Incorporated (BWWA) are committed to maintaining the safety of our valued community and adhering to all advice and guidelines provided by the Western Australian and Australian Governments.

In light of the recent changes to requirements and restrictions, BWWA would like to provide the following information in relation to meets and the loans of carriers as of May 2022:

1.            BWWA, its volunteers and members will continue to adhere to the current health advice and regulations of the Western Australian State Government and the Local Governments.

2.            Please do not to attend baby wearing meets if you or your child are unwell. If you have a loan carrier that is due for return and you are unable to attend the scheduled meet, please contact BWWA to arrange an alternative as per the Carrier Loan Terms and Conditions.

3.            Loan carriers that are returned to meets are not quarantined and will be loaned out again at the meet, unless they are damaged or require cleaning. Research has shown that the risk of infection from COVID from contaminated cotton is small.

4.            Changes to scheduled meets may come about at short notice and we apologise for the inconvenience. We ask that you follow all relevant Facebook events and the website for any updates. Any loans of carriers will be extended or alternative return can be arranged.

5.            BWWA meets will require any participant who tries on multiple carriers to only use a demonstration doll rather than their child for trying on carriers. Once a loan carrier is selected, participant’s can be assisted with fitting and wearing with their child in the carrier. The use of suck pads whilst using a borrowed carrier is appreciated.

6.            Please note that we are all volunteers and if you have any questions please contact us on or via our Facebook Group.


Thank you and stay safe,

Baby Wearing WA Inc Committee 2022