We welcome anyone in Australia to sign up as a member of Baby Wearers Western Australia Incorporated.

Memberships support our organisation financially – to educate, promote and facilitate baby wearing in the WA community.

Your BWWA Inc. membership is valid for a full 12 months from your sign-up date. Please note BWWA Inc. membership is not transferable. You will be required to show proof of membership each time you borrow from our Carrier Library (your membership email or membership receipt on your phone).

From 1 March 2021 the membership fee is $30. This allows you to borrow one carrier at a time, for a period of two weeks, as often as you'd like throughout the 12 months of your membership (subject to availability). Our BWWA Inc. Carrier Libraries are located throughout WA.

Membership to BWWA Inc. not only gives you access to the Carrier Libraries, but also the ability to volunteer your time to BWWA Inc. community meets and the BWWA Inc. Executive Committee. Check out our Volunteer tab for more information on volunteering with us. Your membership also gives you voting rights at the Annual General Meeting – so you’ll have a direct say in the future of BWWA Inc.

Membership Application Form