To all our wonderful Babywearing Community...

As many of you may know, BWWA held our AGM on Saturday afternoon. We shared all the progress we have made over 2019/2020, including the wild ride through COVID closures, record numbers of people at meets and new optimal carriers to try… But we also shared how burned out many of our committee have become trying to balance the needs of the organisation alongside parenthood, work, study and life! Our legal responsibilities/liabilities have also become increasingly complex as our organisation has evolved. This has meant that most of our previous committee are planning to move on from the day-to-day management of BWWA.

As such, we do not have a sufficient number of volunteers to replace our retiring members and form an Executive Committee. It is with a heavy heart that we have to tell you that this means BWWA will have to cease to function as of the end of this year. As of this last weekend we ceased accepting memberships. We will all hold final meets in the coming weeks, with all carriers to be returned in late November or early December as we usually would for end of year stocktake. We have elected a small committee purely to complete the tasks required to dissolve our organisation.

We figured we may as well put out a final call to you, our Babywearing community, in case any of you feel inspired to come on board before we begin that process. We won't lie and suggest its the easiest job ever... but you certainly wouldn't be alone. The organisation is more streamlined and automated than it has ever been. We have a great team of community/meet leaders and many years of Babywearing experience ready to share. Its administration we need.

If you would like more information please PM our Facebook page or email us at

If we have no further interest in attracting an Executive Committee, then we will have to continue to move towards dissolution. We will update you, our members, as it becomes clear how this will play out.