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2025 Pop Up Meet and Ex Library Carrier Sale Day

  • Morley Baptist Church 33 Hanwell Way Bassendean, WA, 6054 Australia (map)

Join your local Baby Wearers Western Australia Inc. Volunteer Peer Educators for our Pop Up Babywearing Meet and Ex Library Carrier Sale Day.

BWWA Inc. Meets are free to attend, however if you are not a BWWA Member we do ask you consider a donation to ensure BWWA meets can continue. If you would like to borrow a carrier from our lending library please ensure that you purchase a BWWA Inc Membership here.


Some considerations:

Please make use of the Attendance Register by scanning the QR code upon entrance.

Ex Library Carriers and BWWA Memberships can be purchased using card only.

You can bring your own carriers to a meet for help with fit and adjustments. The BWWA Lending Library will also be available for BWWA Memberships to borrow a carrier.

This meet will be finishing at 11:30am sharp - please arrive early to allow yourself plenty of time to browse and try on the carriers.

BWWA Inc. events are facilitated by a small group of volunteers who give their time, skills and knowledge freely and willingly to support and promote safe babywearing within the community. We would love to welcome more volunteers to help support BWWA Inc. If you're interested, please get in touch or speak with one of the volunteers at a meet.

Earlier Event: 12 December
South of the River Babywearing Meet
Later Event: 11 February
North of the River Babywearing Meet