Come and Join Us!

It’s that time of year again - time for our Annual General Meeting (AGM). All members are invited to attend the AGM and a required to RSVP their attendance via our RSVP Page.

Many of you will have noticed the enormous amount of time our Volunteers put into keeping our organisation running. I don’t think any of us come close to matching the time, dedication or passion our Chairperson Natalie or Vice-Chairperson Alyce bring to the table. As awesome as they both are, there so much room for members with a passion for babywearing to contribute to our awesome organisation.

It isn’t just about keeping BWWA running. The BWWA Committee (and also it’s members) have truly been my village in the first year of my son’s life. I have been able to spend my time with like-minded parents in a judgement free environment - there are always a free set of ears, no matter what is going on. And at the same time I have been able to contribute to providing that support for others.

Volunteering doesn’t have to be a huge time investment and you don’t need to be a baby wearing “expert”. I have been coordinating the website for the last few months and spend 1-2 hours per week (sometimes less) keeping things updated. It has allowed me to spend a couple of hours a week with the old me, which was a really nice reprieve from life with an infant.

If you think that joining the Committee could be for you, head over to our Nomination Page.

We would love to see you all on the 27th October 2019. Details can be found on the Meet Calendar event.

See you soon!

Website Coordinator